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Summer of a Lifetime Applications
March 15
Summer of a Lifetime is a ministry opportunity for students who will be completing Grades 9-12 (as of June 2025). Summer of a Lifetime is made up of 4 separate ministry/mission opportunities:
REMIX: June 25-29 – An intensive discipleship program and urban missions trip where you learn what it means to be a follower of Christ and put that knowledge into action in tangible ways.
Day Camp: July 7-11, 14-18, and 21-25 – Emmanuel’s Day Camp for JK-Gr. 5 where you will serve the community as a camp counselor.
Extreme Camp: August 5-8 – A Day Camp for grades 6 – 8 where you will serve as a counselor.
Mission Trip: (The Youth Leadership Team will be dividing participants into two teams. Each team will serve on a separate mission trip during the same week.)
Team #1 Location TBD – August 10 -17: Plans are in the works for this missions trip. The trip will be announced when details are confirmed.
Team #2 Quebec – August 10-17 – A team from Emmanuel will be serving in Blainsville, Quebec along side our Missionary Chris Middleton. More details will follow.
Apply for this Opportunity HERE. Applications are due March 15.
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