Why Give?

When you give to Emmanuel you are empowering the church in many ways! As beneficiaries of God’s grace, goodness and generosity, it is our responsibility to use what God has given us to bless others. There are multiple ways to honour God with your giving.

Annual giving receipts will be sent by the end of February for tax season

To request a set of donation envelopes, please complete the form below

Ways to give…

  • Give regularly – 1 Corinthians 16:2 “On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.” As we faithfully, consistently give on a regular basis, a great giving habit is developed.
  • Establish a tithe as a goal of your giving – Leviticus 27:30 “’A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD.” A tithe was identified as 10% of earnings that the Lord expected his people to return to Him. Many people give above and beyond the tithe; however, if this sounds difficult for you to give, try setting a percentage of 3% to 5% as a starting point. Then as you trust God to meet your needs, you can increase your giving as you see Him faithful to you as you trust Him!
  • Make a special donation – Throughout the year we identify special needs or opportunities for us to address as a church family. It might provide resources for a local or international ministry that God brings our way. Through these expressions of generosity, God’s love is shared in tangible ways.

Specifically your funds can be designated to:

  • Benevolent Special Needs – We believe that the love of Jesus is expressed as we reach out to those in crisis in our church and community.
  • General Ministries – Your gifts help fund program costs, salaries, and related administrative support needs
  • Special Funds – This may include special fundraising for short-term missions, or internships for young students intending to pursue ministry, or child sponsorships

Emmanuel regularly takes benevolence offerings to support individuals in our community who are in need of practical help.


Missions is a core ministry at Emmanuel. We are passionate about sharing the good news of Christ locally, nationally and globally.


Emmanuel is a vibrant community that provides teaching, support and training from children to seniors. Your gifts help run and support these programs.