Hello Emmanuel Barrie Family,
I’m thrilled to be coming to you with some very exciting news! After several months of actively searching and praying, the Lord has led us to our new Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts. Join me in praising God as we welcome Pastor Lee Brubacher to the Emmanuel Barrie team!
Lee is a seasoned pastor who is ordained with our association of Churches (The Fellowship), and who has led worship within a large church setting for over twenty years now. He is well known for his godly character, his pastoral heart, his skilled leadership, and his musical gifting. We anticipate Lee’s start date being sometime around the end of January, and we know that he and his wife, Cheryl, will be a real blessing to our church family.
Please enjoy getting to know Lee and Cheryl a little better by checking out his bio, below.
Raised in a pastor’s home, Lee sensed a call into music ministry and prepared for this at Heritage Baptist College where he graduated with a Bachelor of Church Music Degree in 1999. He and his wife Cheryl served at Elgin Missionary Church in Stratford in the areas of music and Christian education before joining West Highland Church in 2001. He began with the same dual-role portfolio, but, 3 years later as the staff expanded, Lee assumed full-time oversight over the Worship Arts Ministries. In 2010, the West Highland Academy of Music was launched, offering private music lessons in various musical disciplines to people of all ages from the church and community. This school continues with an enrollment of around 65 students. In 2012, Lee graduated from Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) with an MA in Worship Studies Degree, and is now studying toward a DEdMin in Christian Worship at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Louisville, Kentucky. During his time at West Highland, Lee was privileged to oversee all the music, tech, and drama ministries and was also an active leader in discipleship and community groups.
Lee is an adjunct professor at Heritage College and Seminary in the area of worship.
Lee and Cheryl have 3 children: Sierra, Kyle, and Carter. Sierra (22) was married to Will Crewson in May of 2022. They live and work in Hamilton. Kyle (19) is in a one-year certificate program at Heritage College. Carter is in grade 12. All the kids are musically talented and are serving the Lord through artistic means.
Lee writes: “Cheryl and I feel very privileged to be called to Emmanuel. We already sense a oneness in spirit, a desire to get to know you as a people, and an excitement about what the Lord could do in the days ahead. Thank you for your prayers for us as we transition from Hamilton to Barrie, in house, head, and heart.”
God is so good to us, isn’t He? Let’s walk in thanksgiving as we enjoy His grace today.
In Christ,
Pastor Josh Davy